Magnificent Magnesium

by: Deborah Ardolf, ND 

Many of us may or may not take a multi-vitamin on a daily basis. We may intend to but never get around to it. Or we religiously take a few supplements but are unaware of the quantity or quality of the vitamins and minerals in the tablet and therefore no idea of the positive effect on our health.

First of all, magnesium is a rather large molecule and therefore commonly minimized in many over the counter formulas. If you prescribe to a one a day formula, you are probably not getting enough. Because of the size of the molecule, frequent dosing throughout the day is required to ingest approx 500 mg of Magnesium/day. This quantity should be sufficient unless you have a health related issue, or are competitively or physically active. 

Secondly, Magnesium is not magnesium. There are many “types” of magnesium formulated in the laboratory. Some are more expensive to formulate than others. Some are more easily absorbed than others. As a result, the less expensive formulations typically have the nasty side effect of diarrhea in a large percentage of the population. Try to look for a chelated formulation for maximal absorption and minimal side effects. 

Is supplementation necessary?

Most importantly, magnesium plays a crucial role in our health and therefore should not be minimized in our diet. Eating enough magnesium rich foods maybe difficult if the goal is optimal health or treatment of a specific ailment. For example, magnesium is found to be highest in pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, 100% bran, and tofu measuring approx 150 mg to 94 mg per ounce respectively!! Unfortunately, there is very little magnesium in fruits and vegetables. So that is a lot of seeds to eat on a daily basis! Furthermore, research has shown a steady decline in American’s intake of magnesium now measuring 50% lower than a decade ago. As luck would have it, diuretics, frequently prescribed for hypertension, as well as daily intake of alcohol can further deplete magnesium stores in the body. 

Studies have shown a magnesium deficiency can lead to;

  • Heart arrhythmias
  • Blocked arteries
  • High blood pressure
  • Migraines • Diabetes
  • Osteoporosis
  • Insomnia
  • Preeclampsia
  • Fibromylagia
  • Muscle Pain

Heart Health

In a British study, daily magnesium supplementation reduced arrhythmias by 25-50%. In a US Dept of Agriculture study, women skimping on magnesium developed arrhythmias within three months of stopping supplementation. Furthermore, Cornell research study called magnesium a natural calcium channel blocker a commonly prescribed blood pressure medication. The study identified a correlation between the higher amount of magnesium in cells to lower blood pressure readings, improved elasticity of blood vessels, and a healthier heart on imaging. High blood magnesium cuts your odds of dying from ischemic heart disease i.e., blocked or narrowed arteries by one third, according to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention. 

Bone Health

In a Swedish study, magnesium not calcium was found to help prevent hip fractures in older women. In a Tufts University study, magnesium intake predicted higher bone mass and less bone loss in elderly women. Many people worsen the problem by loading up on calcium, which flushes magnesium out of the cells. 

In summary, many people needlessly suffer pain including Fibromyalgia, migraines, and muscle cramps not realizing how much magnesium can play a role in alleviating the pain and compromised health. 

What to do?

  1. Body Stress Release is a natural pain reducer also helping to relax muscle fibers and relieve tension. Magnesium supplementation may further enhance the many benefits of BSR, prolonging the benefits of a single treatment. Sherri is a Body Stress Release practioner in our office. Call (808) 498-4018 to schedule a gentle yet effective appointment today.
  2. Naturopathic medicine a) Lab analysis: If you are curious to know which vitamins and minerals if any are deficient in you body, there is a nutrient blood analysis which measures the amount of nutrients within your red blood cells. This test is highly accurate as it measures the amount of the vitamin/mineral which has already been absorbed through your gut and are being utilized by your body. b) Supplements: Naturopathic doctors also have access to physician prescribed vitamin and mineral formulations of the highest quality. They do not contain fillers, shellac, and are formulated for optimal absorption.

Dr. Deborah Ardolf, ND is available for appointments in her new office located in Kailua-Kona, HI. She can be reached at(808)498-4018.