What We Treat

conditions treated with naturopathic medicine
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Your Health and Well - Being Are Our Number One Priority

In the first consultation, Ho'Ola will spend 1 and a half hours with you to help determine the extent of the illness, the possible causes, and the best approach to help you achieve full resolution of the problem.

With the utilization of homeopathy, herbal medicine, food as medicine, IV medicine, we cannot think of a single illness or disease that we cannot treat.


Ho'Ola’s treatments are unique and designed to put an end to the cyclic course of allergies. Very few clinics address the immunological system other than trying to suppress it. When the immune system is suppressed, this provides a welcome mat for other diseases, usually infectious in nature, to set up house in your body, thus creating two diseases instead of one.

We work to eradicate the infection(s) and re-regulate your system so you can be free of disease and live a healthy life.

Read More About Allergies

Allergic reactions have become commonplace in our society. From the overabundance of synthetic foods and environmental chemicals that we are subject to on a daily basis, few people will pass through life unscathed. In Hawaii, especially on the Big Island, where many individuals are subject to the sulfuric acid emitted from the volcano, people will experience anything from annoyance to severe reactions to the vog.

Allergic reactions occur when a foreign substance enters the body, usually either through ingestion or inhalation. This starts off a chain reaction in the body, triggering our immune system to go into high gear to rid itself of the foreign invader. Antigen receptors trigger B cells to increase the production of antibodies. Histamine is often the reaction we see visibly: puffy watery eyes, itchy nose, congestion, clear running nasal discharge, and often irritability. The body counteracts the histamine release with an antihistamine resulting in the all too familiar groggy feeling, which is also the common side effect of over-the-counter allergy medications. Eventually, the antigen receptors end up being filtered from the blood into the urine, where many of them are excreted from the body. If we are not hit by another foreign invader, we suffer brief episodes lasting up to 3 days.

Here at Doctor Ardolf & Associates, you will have a comprehensive plan to eradicate allergies from your life.

Dr. Arfdolf, allergies naturopathic treatment
Dr. Ardolf, herbal medicine in Kapaau

Auto-Immune / Chronic Disease

Auto-immune disease means the immune system has started to attack itself. Something had to cause this to happen. Traditionally, the doctors don't think about this. They just begin to prescribe medication to suppress the immune system. As a result, your body has been left vulnerable. Without a functioning immune system, another disease can begin to rear its ugly head. You become debilitated and feel horrible most, if not all, of the time.

Can anything seem more terrible and more debilitating than living with a chronic disease? You go from one doctor to another, then realize none of them help you get better. As time goes on, you become more debilitated, with fewer days of normality. Some doctors cannot even find anything wrong!

Here at Ho'Ola & Associates, we will spend time investigating the underlying causes to allow you to return to the best version of yourself.

Diabetes naturopathic treatment near me


Initially, in traditional medicine, drugs are prescribed to optimize pancreatic function, but once the pancreatic beta cells are no longer functioning, more medication will be necessary. In the world of naturopathic medicine, it is not uncommon to reverse the disease process by bringing the blood sugar levels back to the normal range without the need for medication. This is imperative as excess sugar in the blood is what causes horrendous systemic damage to the many organs of the body. With naturopathy, people with diabetes can live a full, productive life.

Read More About Diabetes

According to the National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse, the statistics reported 23.6 million people, 7.8 percent of the population, have diabetes. Two thousand fourteen statistics reported by the CDC show an increase to 29.1 million or 9.3% of the population has been diagnosed with diabetes. This means the underlying problem has not been treated, resulting in an escalating disease and a burden on our financial and medical system as well as to all the family members left to care for the ailing individual.

Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes are a group of diseases marked by high levels of blood glucose, also called blood sugar, resulting from defects in the pancreatic cell's insulin production, insulin action, or both. Type 1 diabetes usually has a genetic or autoimmune etiology in which the body's immune system destroys the pancreatic beta cells, affecting 5-10% of the population. They are dependent on insulin in order to survive.

Type 2 diabetes currently affects 9% of the population and is often classified as a disease of lifestyle leading to serious complications, including blindness, peripheral neuropathy, gangrene, and premature death, if not controlled. It is associated with age, obesity, family history of diabetes, history of gestational diabetes, impaired glucose metabolism, physical inactivity, and race/ethnicity. Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and other Pacific Islanders are at particularly high risk for Type 2 diabetes and its complications. Type 2 diabetes is being diagnosed more frequently among American Indians, African Americans, Hispanic/Latino Americans, Asians/Pacific Islanders, and in younger children and adolescents.

naturopathic medicine near me
cardiovascular disease natural treatment
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Cardiovascular Disease

There are many natural alternatives in the fields of botanical medicine, homeopathy, nutrition, IV therapy, and vitamin/mineral supplementation, which do not carry any of the side effects of prescribed pharmaceuticals. Once the underlying cause is treated, it is possible that you may not need the prescribed medication(s).

Ho'Ola, and Associates are available to help you live the life you desire.

Read More About Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Approximately 928,741 Americans die of the condition each year, 50% of them are women. One in every four deaths in the United States, according to the CDC, is the result of heart disease. The term "heart disease" includes coronary heart disease, heart attack, congestive heart failure, irregular heart rate, and congenital heart disease. In the United States, the most common type is coronary artery disease (CAD), which can lead to a heart attack.

Heart disease does not happen overnight. Often times the first "silent symptoms" may be high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood sugar, and/or obesity. The standard conventional medical practice is to prescribe heart medicine without looking into the causes of the elevated blood pressure. High blood pressure may be related to prescription medication, stress, diet, thyroid, kidney problems, or the often overlooked and, therefore, never treated chronic disease. Heart medications do not necessarily address the underlying problem. These pharmaceuticals need to be taken for life and come with their own set of side effects.

It is time for you to not be a statistic.

Here at Dr. Ardolf & Associates, we will set up a comprehensive treatment plan for you.

IV naturopathic treatments

Pediatric Medicine

Children's immune systems continue to develop through the age of 8 years old. During these critical years, proper nutrition, exercise, a supportive and nurturing environment, and the use of natural medicines support the formation of a healthy, robust immune system while decreasing illnesses. Setting good nutritional and health patterns early in life also allows children to learn how to take care of their own health.

Many naturally-derived medicines are available to treat the numerous childhood illnesses encountered, allowing for optimal immune development and, therefore, lifetime protection against many bacterial and viral-based diseases.

pediatric naturopathic treatments near me

Ho'Ola, with her Master's degree in Speech-language Pathology and her doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine, is especially qualified and knowledgeable in assisting with any developmental or health concerns you may have. We specialize in treating:


Childhood immunizations.

Ear infections.

Childhood diseases.






Developmental delays.


Autism spectrum disorder.


School Physicals, and Sports Physicals.

Girls with painful or irregular periods.

Many common childhood ailments can be treated very effectively with homeopathy, botanical medicine, and/or constitutional hydrotherapy without the side effects of depressing their developing immune system or causing another disease process.

If you are interested in exploring natural healthcare for your children, call us.

hydrotherapy near me

Mental Health

Sometimes counseling or prescription medication does not fully help with episodes of anxiety, inability to focus, or overwhelming depression. Natural medicine has a lot of offer you and is most definitely worth exploring. Homeopathy is one of the many tools to help enlighten your mood without the need for prescription medication.

Did you know certain foods and supplements are also known for their mood elevating effects? Herbal medicine is also a powerful tool to help address your current situation. Please call to help free your mind so you can lead the life you dreamed of having.


As the baby boomers move into the "retirement" age yet are clearly not ready for a cane and rocking chair, they instead begin searching ways they can dramatically slow down the aging process. Baby boomers want to continue living a full life and look fantastic too! Ah yes the proverbial search for the fountain of youth. As a result, face serums, botox, fillers, plastic surgeries have increased by 115% since 2000! 92% of all cosmetic procedures are performed on women. The most common non surgical procedure is botox injections. Lip augmentation with fillers and Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) both fall into the top 5 most common nonsurgical and surgical procedures. The problem with how we 'FIX" aging to date really only scratches the surface, no pun intended, as most ant-aging tries to fix what others can see and does nothing to address how we feel physically. In my practice, my patients are interested in eliminating fatigue, achy stiff joints, and most importantly improving cognition. Becoming forgetful, taking longer to get moving in the morning or after sitting for awhile seems to be a factor of aging, but does it have to be? What if we think of anti-aging from the inside out, so the whole body, the whole person, not only looks young but feels young? It's possible, yes it is. Read on to learn all the options available here for you.


This is a very important first meeting where we get to know each other but also on my end, discover reasons why you maybe feeling the way you do. Fatigue for example can be caused by a multitude of factors, stress, lingering infections, iron deficiency, adrenal depletion, to name a few. Aging may just compound it. If I can uncover the underlying cause (s) and treat those too, you will achieve your end result of looking and feeling young for many years to come.

Physical exam

To include Range of Motion (ROM) of all your joints, balance, skin tone, pigmentation, elasticity.

IV naturopathic treatments
pediatric naturopathic treatments near me


Food as medicine:

Based on the consultation and physical exam, what foods are going to help you and which foods will aggravate or worsen your condition? We will create a list of the most beneficial foods for you to consume.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber:

Hyperbaric oxygen treatment has been shown to help combat degenerative conditions by contributing to the regeneration of tissue and blood vessels. Other studies have demonstrated its protective properties against Ultraviolet-A induced oxidative damage and helped maintain skin elasticity.


With the correct dosing, we have seen a dramatic reversal in cognitive decline from the "mild" non diagnosed to early Alzheimer's and Dementia. NAD since it addresses cell to cell

communication also enhances mood and skin health too.


A great treatment to improve ROM. You will notice an improvement after the first treatment. Usually 3-5 treatments is all you need.

Rejuvenation therapy

The latest edition to our treatment options, scientist have developed and successfully used this treatment in Europe for over 50? Years. Please click on the testimonials to hear more of all the benefits and see for yourself how youthful they seem to look and act. The good news is this brilliant anti-aging treatment has finally been made available in the United States. It works by using cell factors to stimulate the various organs in your body best known to affect cell regeneration. This treatment will rejuvenate deteriorated cells and trigger cell production at a much more youthful rate. This is turn will positively visibly influence your body's appearance so you look and feel fantastic. Our true age is determined by the quality of our cells not by adding a toxin to your dermal layers.
